Hold Up The Book
"And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people..." (Neh. 8:5) Thanks for listening to my podcast of sermons, including new material and some of my archived messages from when I preached at other congregations in the past. You can find the church where I currently preach at www.springschurchofchrist.org.
Hold Up The Book
Bonus Episode: Should Christians Defend Christianity Like Muslims Defend Islam?
Dan Lankford
Season 2
Episode 24
This episode contains some bonus teaching that had to be left out of my recent "fireside chat" sermon about the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. It's a perspective being offered for those who think, "Christians should be standing up for Christianity like that! We should be silencing our enemies and defending God's honor in the public square with the same kind of counter-attacks that Islam uses to defend their religion."
Simply put: I don't think that's right. And this episode explains why I believe that.