Hold Up The Book
"And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people..." (Neh. 8:5) Thanks for listening to my podcast of sermons, including new material and some of my archived messages from when I preached at other congregations in the past. You can find the church where I currently preach at www.springschurchofchrist.org.
Podcasting since 2022 • 131 episodes
Hold Up The Book
Latest Episodes
Communion Meditation | Night with Ebon Pinion
The 175-year-old hymn, "Night with Ebon Pinion," uses strange choices of words to paint a picture of the oppressive darkness under which Jesus found himself praying in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of his betrayal, arrest, and crucifixi...
Season 2
Episode 44

Why Should I Have To Be Humble?
Humility just fits us. Pride is out of place in so many realms of life, but humility helps us in every way. As creatures before our creator, as sinners before a holy God, and as saints before our Savior, we have every reason ...
Season 2
Episode 43

Jesus' Humility
"Humble pie is not always bitter when it's made by God's recipe."This message illuminates the splendor and joy of Christ's humility in his whole life; that he was submissive to God and mankind in spite of the fact that he was God himsel...
Season 2
Episode 42

We Are... HIS
This message, the third in our preaching theme series for the year, drills down on the idea that as God's people, the church truly are God's people. That's why we do things his way, why we serve him happily in humility, and w...
Season 2
Episode 41

We Are... (A New Members' Orientation)
In considering our theme for this year, the discussion is about who "We Are..." as the people of Jesus Christ. And so, this message was framed as mock orientation for a new church member. What would we want to tell people who are ...
Season 2
Episode 40