Hold Up The Book
"And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people..." (Neh. 8:5) Thanks for listening to my podcast of sermons, including new material and some of my archived messages from when I preached at other congregations in the past. You can find the church where I currently preach at www.springschurchofchrist.org.
Hold Up The Book
Communion Meditation | Night with Ebon Pinion
Dan Lankford
Season 2
Episode 44
The 175-year-old hymn, "Night with Ebon Pinion," uses strange choices of words to paint a picture of the oppressive darkness under which Jesus found himself praying in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of his betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion. This talk attempts to elucidate the meaning of the hymn's lyrics and paint the picture of the scene which they describe.