Hold Up The Book
"And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people..." (Neh. 8:5) Thanks for listening to my podcast of sermons, including new material and some of my archived messages from when I preached at other congregations in the past. You can find the church where I currently preach at www.springschurchofchrist.org.
131 episodes
Communion Meditation | Night with Ebon Pinion
The 175-year-old hymn, "Night with Ebon Pinion," uses strange choices of words to paint a picture of the oppressive darkness under which Jesus found himself praying in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of his betrayal, arrest, and crucifixi...
Season 2
Episode 44

Why Should I Have To Be Humble?
Humility just fits us. Pride is out of place in so many realms of life, but humility helps us in every way. As creatures before our creator, as sinners before a holy God, and as saints before our Savior, we have every reason ...
Season 2
Episode 43

Jesus' Humility
"Humble pie is not always bitter when it's made by God's recipe."This message illuminates the splendor and joy of Christ's humility in his whole life; that he was submissive to God and mankind in spite of the fact that he was God himsel...
Season 2
Episode 42

We Are... HIS
This message, the third in our preaching theme series for the year, drills down on the idea that as God's people, the church truly are God's people. That's why we do things his way, why we serve him happily in humility, and w...
Season 2
Episode 41

We Are... (A New Members' Orientation)
In considering our theme for this year, the discussion is about who "We Are..." as the people of Jesus Christ. And so, this message was framed as mock orientation for a new church member. What would we want to tell people who are ...
Season 2
Episode 40

Communion Meditation: Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
A favorite hymn by Fannie Crosby, Near The Cross prays for the ability to keep ourselves near Jesus' Cross at all times so that everything about our lives reflects the depth of God's love and truth seen in the sacrifice of Jesus.
Season 2
Episode 39

How to have & implement a great daily Bible reading program
In many churches, a daily Bible reading program is put forward for the members, but in many cases, it just becomes background noise and is easily forgotten. Like a forgotten New Year's resolution, there is some excitement around it in January, ...
Season 2
Episode 38

We Are... (Introduction to this year's preaching theme at Northside)
It seems impossible to distill everything about a person's essence into an accurate description of that person. And as it is with an individual, it's that much more so with a group of people. And yet, we should try, because it helps us explore ...
Season 2
Episode 37

New Year's Resolutions Checklist
This message quickly runs through five types of resolutions that spiritual people can consider making at any time — whether New Year's or any time that progress in the faith is warranted.
Season 2
Episode 36

Leadership Lessons From the Dessert
In the first week of a new year, I always think about leadership. I think about how I will lead myself, my family, my church family, and the lost into better things as regards our faith. And so, this lesson reminds me and anyone who listens of ...
Season 2
Episode 35

A Short, but Powerful Message
This episode, presented as a Wednesday night invitation, reminds us that a message doesn't have to be eternal in length to have an eternal impact.
Season 2
Episode 34

Throwback Sermon | O Come, All Ye Faithful
This short sermon explores the beautiful sentiments of the hymn "O Come, All Ye Faithful." It reminds us how wonderful it is that God came in the flesh, and it makes the same invitation to us as the hymn: to come and adore the one who came in f...
Season 2
Episode 32

All of Us Together | Finishing Romans
The ending of the book of Romans might seem tedious after the grand concepts of theology that have been discussed leading up to it. But, if we continue to look for his main point that's been at work throughout, we'll see it in those closing par...
Season 2
Episode 30

Seeing Communion Like A Kid
Often, kids who are growing up in Christian households are seeing the nature of our religious activities truthfully, but a little shortsightedly. This is true with communion, and their view of it ought to remind those of us who are mature to lo...
Season 2
Episode 29

Advice for Better Bible Classes | A Recent Example
Today is a recording of one of my recent classes in which I introduced a study of the book of Job. I do my best in my classes to implement all the techniques and advice given in the recent podcast episodes re: Bible classes. I begin with a disc...
Season 2
Episode 28

Faithful In Prayer | Whether God Says Yes Or No
One of the great struggles in the life of a disciple is when we pray to God, believing that he will give us what we need, and yet he says 'no.' This message reminds us of the powerful truth that he DOES promise give us what we pray for, and yet...
Season 2
Episode 26

Throwback Sermon | Fail or Finish; The Decision Point
Athletes, artists, and writers have all been known to hit a plateau or two as they grow in their respective disciplines, and Christians sometimes do too. This message tells us about some things we can do to break through a spiritual plateau and...
Season 2
Episode 25

Bonus Episode: Should Christians Defend Christianity Like Muslims Defend Islam?
This episode contains some bonus teaching that had to be left out of my recent "fireside chat" sermon about the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. It's a perspective being offered for those who think, "Christians should be standing up f...
Season 2
Episode 24

Big Truths From The Lord's Prayer
This message—the second in a series on prayer—highlights four concepts that can be observed about prayer from when the disciples asked Jesus to "Teach us to pray."Prayer is not wholly natural. It's a skill that must be learned....
Season 2
Episode 22

Israel, Hamas, and... The End of the World...?
How should Bible believers think about the events in Israel right now? Should we be concerned that the end of time is coming near? Should we be in solidarity with the Jewish people because we have a shared faith with them? Should we be expectin...
Season 2
Episode 20