Hold Up The Book
"And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people..." (Neh. 8:5) Thanks for listening to my podcast of sermons, including new material and some of my archived messages from when I preached at other congregations in the past. You can find the church where I currently preach at www.springschurchofchrist.org.
Hold Up The Book
All of Us Together | Finishing Romans
Dan Lankford
Season 2
Episode 30
The ending of the book of Romans might seem tedious after the grand concepts of theology that have been discussed leading up to it. But, if we continue to look for his main point that's been at work throughout, we'll see it in those closing paragraphs... along with an assurance that God's way WILL work for those who are faithful to him, and a chorus of praise to God to finish off this magnificent letter.
This is the conclusion to our year-long preaching theme in the book of Romans, and it's been a gratifying study for me, personally. I hope that the messages in this series have blessed you as well. Thanks for listening to Hold Up the Book!