Hold Up The Book
Hold Up The Book
How to have & implement a great daily Bible reading program
In many churches, a daily Bible reading program is put forward for the members, but in many cases, it just becomes background noise and is easily forgotten. Like a forgotten New Year's resolution, there is some excitement around it in January, but then that excitement fizzles and the idea lies dormant until the next January. In this episode, we talk about some helpful methods and mentalities to make a DBR program work well and gain more traction in the lives of church members. Since we're told to "let the word of Christ dwell in [us] richly," it's my hope that these methods help you and your people accomplish that better than you've ever done before.
Note from Dan: There's a fair amount of generalizing about Christians' habits in this episode, so please don't take any of it as a personal attack, but rather as an effort to understand crowds and therefore to help the greatest number of people in the best ways possible.