Hold Up The Book
"And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people..." (Neh. 8:5) Thanks for listening to my podcast of sermons, including new material and some of my archived messages from when I preached at other congregations in the past. You can find the church where I currently preach at www.springschurchofchrist.org.
Hold Up The Book
Jesus' Humility
Dan Lankford
Season 2
Episode 42
"Humble pie is not always bitter when it's made by God's recipe."
This message illuminates the splendor and joy of Christ's humility in his whole life; that he was submissive to God and mankind in spite of the fact that he was God himself. He sets the template for the ideal version of humility — a thing that ought to define every Christian.
This is the beginning of a series, titled Humility and Absolute Surrender, based on Andrew Murray's writings under the same title.